
How to Choose the Right Web Template

If you are anxious to get your website off the ground, you may just want to choose to download a web template and get going right away! This is just fine: but keep in mind that not all web templates are created equal, so here are some tips to help you choose the right web template the first time and avoid regret later.

-- Choose the web template maker carefully: there are plenty of fly-by-night operations out there that offer "free" templates that are either not free at all or are pretty lousy. Go with one of the bigger names out there such as Joomla or Dreamweaver and you will be guaranteed to be getting high quality and support.

-- Download your template from a company that offers plugins if you want to make adjustments later. Never say never when it comes to designing your page: you just may want to add a slide show carousel feature later or that scrolling text you saw somewhere else and really liked. Using a static template that cannot be modified over time is not showing foresight: choose a company from whom you can purchase a wide variety of plugins later to keep your site looking just the way you want it to.

-- Don't go for busy. No matter how attractive that template with the busy background looks when you download it, once you fill it with content the background will be a distraction. The background and content will be in constant competition for the attention of your site's visitors and they will eventually just give up and go elsewhere where the content is clearer and the format is simpler.

-- Beware of flashing banners and too much animation. Potential visitors to your site will be turned off if they have to wait a while for it to load. Even people with the fastest connection available hate to wait. A little Flash here and there is a good thing, but too much is a real turn off and, quite frankly, it makes your site look tacky and unprofessional.

-- Watch the colors: did you know that different colors have different meanings all over the world? Since white is the color of mourning in India, too much of it might not be a good thing if you are marketing products in that country. Blue is the safest color to use and it implies dignity, which is why it is commonly used on bankers' and lawyers' sites. If you want to keep the color scheme lighthearted because the tone suits your site, go ahead. Just make sure that the content font color contrasts nicely with the background and is easy to read. Do some research about the psychological effects of color on the web before downloading your template, and you'll have a better idea if your personal preferences are appropriate.

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